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- TidBITS#104/System 7
- ====================
- System 7 has been out for over eight months and zillions of people
- swear by (and occasionally at) it. Do you? If so, check out our
- System 7 tips and tidbits. We've got obvious tips, obscure tips,
- useful tips, fun tips, and perhaps most importantly, a list of
- the preferences stored in the mysterious Parameter RAM and
- Finder Preferences. This stuff is way cool.
- Copyright 1990-1992 Adam & Tonya Engst. Non-profit, non-commercial
- publications may reprint articles if full credit is given. Other
- publications please contact us. We do not guarantee the accuracy
- of articles. Publication, product, and company names may be
- registered trademarks of their companies. Disk subscriptions and
- back issues are available.
- For more information send electronic mail to info@tidbits.uucp or
- Internet: ace@tidbits.uucp -- CIS: 72511,306 -- AOL: Adam Engst
- TidBITS -- 9301 Avondale Rd. NE Q1096 -- Redmond, WA 98052 USA
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Topics:
- 7 Introduction
- Speed Increases
- Installation Information
- Finder Functionality
- Finder Preferences
- Using Applications
- Printing Tips
- Troubleshooting with System 7
- Zapping the PRAM
- System 7 Bugs & Problems
- Easter Eggs
- [Archived as /info-mac/digest/tb/tidbits-104.etx; 24K]
- 7 Introduction
- --------------
- by Eric Apgar - apgar@apple.com
- Robert Hess - ENDPOINT@applelink.apple.com
- Adam C. Engst - ace@tidbits.halcyon.com
- and help from many others as well....
- System 7 is without a doubt Apple's most ambitious system upgrade
- ever, giving us additional power and complexity. In this issue, we
- bring you a grab bag of tricks and tips for squeezing the last
- drop of productivity and enjoyment out of your System 7 Mac. Eric
- Apgar has collected many of these methods, and we've selected the
- best for your reading pleasure with the able assistance of Robert
- Hess. These tips range from the mundane to the unexpected, so read
- on and enjoy.
- First, a note from Eric. "The following are various tricks and
- tips I have come across. If you have any questions drop me a line.
- These are my tips, not Apple's!"
- Speed Increases
- ---------------
- Although System 7 operates a little faster than System 6 in some
- cases, many find that it feels slower, especially in the Finder.
- Here are a few ways to increase your Mac's reaction time (playing
- video games on your Mac can help its eye/hand coordination too).
- Shape up your hard disk
- (1) Check your hard disk's interleave and reformat if necessary
- using appropriate formatting software. Contact the company that
- made your hard disk for the optimal interleave for your specific
- setup.
- (2) Backup, reformat, and restore your hard disk to remove file
- fragmentation. If you have one, an optimization program does the
- same thing much more easily, but make sure you have a backup
- first.
- Free up RAM
- (3) Turn off Filesharing when you don't need it, since it slows
- down the Mac and uses several hundred K of RAM.
- (4) Turn off Background Printing, although this will slow down
- your work by making you wait for the printer. Background Printing
- uses more RAM than may be available on a 2 or 2.5 MB machine with
- an application open.
- (5) Boost the disk cache up to 256K if you have the memory. More
- than that isn't usually worth it. On a 2 or 2.5 MB machine, even
- 256K may not be worth it.
- Monitor your screen display
- (6) Keep bitmaps installed for commonly used fonts. Screen display
- slows down while TrueType scales fonts for the screen.
- (7) Use the Views Control Panel to turn off "Calculate folder
- sizes." Also use Views to set the font to Geneva 9 point, choose
- the smallest icon size, and show as few of the Show size/ kind/
- label/ date/ version/ comments goodies as possible.
- (8) Set the Window color in the Color Control Panel to Black &
- White (this removes your 3D scroll bars).
- (9) Switch your monitor to 16 or fewer colors in the Monitors
- Control Panel.
- (10) Eliminate the Finder's zoom rectangles (see TidBITS#99/
- Finder_Fun).
- (11) And finally, install Apple's System 7 Tune-Up. Apple
- recommends that _all_ System 7.0.x users install System 7 Tune-Up
- to increase the speed of some Finder copies and to cut down on low
- memory situations. Perhaps the most noticeable benefit from the
- System 7 Tune-Up is that printing from the StyleWriter is
- significantly faster.
- Installation Information
- ------------------------
- (12) If you have an existing Scrapbook file in your System Folder
- when you install System 7, the Installer will not replace it with
- the new file. The new Scrapbook file has some neat stuff, so you
- will want to combine the two using a utility such as SmartScrap if
- you need to keep the contents of the old one. If you have a custom
- desktop pattern, the Installer will not overwrite your desktop
- patterns with the standard 7.0 patterns for the same reason.
- (13) Under System 7.0 the boot blocks always mark the startup
- application as the Finder, and the Mac expects that all startup
- items will be in the Startup Items folder in the System Folder. To
- make a disk boot up another application (like a special installer
- program or Disinfectant) instead of the Finder, boot with System
- 6, select the program you want to startup, and choose Set Startup
- from the Special menu.
- (14) The Printing Installer Script only installs LaserWriter and
- Personal LaserWriter SC software. Use the full installer script
- for other printers.
- Finder Functionality
- --------------------
- (15) You can move the Trash anywhere you want, and it will stay
- there. You can make aliases of the Trash. If you're tired of the
- Trash warnings, select the Trash icon, Get Info, and turn "Warn
- before emptying" off.
- (16) You can move the copy dialog box (the one with the
- thermometer that goes across) to any place on the desktop (it will
- stay there!). This works for any of the other thermometer-type
- dialogs in the Finder such as those that go with Empty Trash and
- Find.
- (17) Sound resources in snd format can be handled in new ways.
- Those that are in the System can be played in the Finder, they can
- be copied, pasted into the Scrapbook, the Sound cdev, ResEdit,
- etc. When sounds are pasted into the Sound cdev, it asks you for a
- name. If you want the Mac to play a sound on startup, just place
- that sound file or an alias to it in your Startup Items folder.
- (18) A good place to play with or show off Balloon help is in the
- Control Panel devices that came with System 7.
- Aliases
- (19) Opening an alias to a fileserver in an open dialog will open
- that fileserver for you, likewise dragging a file to an alias of a
- fileserver copies the file to that fileserver after mounting it.
- AppleTalk Remote Access will even connect to a server
- automatically if you double-click on an alias that goes to a
- remote server.
- (20) If you have limited screen space, put an alias to your hard
- disk(s) in your Apple Menu Items folder and you can always open
- your hard disk(s). This also works with shared volumes.
- Files, Folders, & Disks
- (21) If you click directly on the name of a file or folder, you
- may type immediately and the name will be changed. You can do this
- repeatedly, i.e. rename one file this way, click on another
- filename and immediately start typing to rename it. You can also
- click on a name, and immediately move the mouse and the Rectangle
- Box for editing the name will highlight right away. Hitting return
- after selecting the icon will also allow to start editing right
- away. If you still don't like the rename delay, see TidBITS#99/
- Finder_Fun for a way to shut it off.
- (22) System 7.0 does not show the total size of your disk
- partition because it only shows user available space. The big
- files that take away space are the directory, catalog, file and
- extents file. For example, my Mac partition is set at almost 82 MB
- but the Finder reports 68.9 in disk and 9.8 available which adds
- up to 78.7 MB - over 3 MB "missing."
- (23) The easiest way to keep people from assigning custom icons to
- files in public labs etc., might be to disable the Paste menu item
- in the Finder.
- (24) Command-Y (the command key equivalent to Put Away under the
- File menu) in the Finder will dismount any selected volume (except
- the Startup volume). This is often easier than dragging the disk
- to the Trash.
- Finder Preferences
- ------------------
- The following are Finder-specific preferences stored in the Finder
- Preferences file. Note that some preferences affecting portions of
- the user interface extend to other applications, such as window
- title shading.
- (25) Font used for Finder views (Views Control Panel)
- default: Geneva 9
- (26) Icon Alignment Settings for Finder (Views Control Panel)
- default: straight grid, "Always snap to grid" not selected
- (27) Icon List View Settings for Finder (Views Control Panel)
- default: smallest icon; display sizes, kinds, labels,
- and dates; "Calculate Folder Sizes not selected;" and "Show
- Disk Info in Header"
- (28) Trash warning dialog (setting in Get Info for the Trash)
- default: "Warn before emptying"
- (29) With the exception of virtual memory, these parameters may be
- reset by deleting the Finder Preferences file, which is located in
- the Preferences folder inside the System Folder. Since System 7
- will not allow this file to be modified if it is on the startup
- disk, you may need to disable by dragging it out of the
- Preferences folder and restarting. System 7 will automatically
- create a new Finder Preferences with default values. You may then
- delete the old Finder Preferences file.
- (30) Note that the Virtual Memory, File Sharing and Window Color
- settings are stored with their respective Control Panel files and
- cannot be reset using this method. Virtual Memory and File Sharing
- can be temporarily disabled, however, by pressing the Shift key
- while starting the Macintosh. Hold the key down until "Extensions
- Off" appears in the "Welcome to Macintosh" screen.
- Using Applications
- ------------------
- (31) Dragging a document onto an application icon launches the
- application and opens the document. You can use this technique
- with ResEdit to open the resource fork of any file.
- (32) If you need to find out exactly how much memory an
- application is using, turn on Balloon Help and point at the
- thermometer in "About This Macintosh."
- (33) If you hold down the option key while switching to another
- application (via the application menu or by clicking in its
- window) the Finder hides the application that you switched out of.
- (34) The functionality of the old Drive button in the System 6
- Standard File Dialog box can be achieved in System 7 by pressing
- Command-LeftArrow or Command-RightArrow.
- (35) Font/DA Mover version 4.1 (which is System 7 compatible) does
- not ship with 7.0. Version 4.1 is available on AppleLink, other
- electronic services, and from dealers. Older versions will not
- launch from the Finder 7, and if you use a launching utility like
- DiskTop, they will not work with TrueType fonts. You mainly need
- Font/DA Mover 4.1 to install the WordFinder Thesaurus DA into Word
- 4 or MacWrite (hold down option while clicking the Open button in
- the Font/DA Mover to open Word or MacWrite) for WordFinder to
- work.
- (36) To quit out of an application immediately and awkwardly, hit
- command-option-escape. After using it you should restart. On a
- non-ADB keyboard I hear that command-option-tilde does the same
- thing.
- Printing Tips
- -------------
- (37) In System 6 you could save a PostScript text file by pressing
- option-f or option-k right after printing. This is built into the
- 7.0 LaserWriter driver as a radio button option. In System 6 you
- had to press option-k to get the Laser Prep header - using the
- System 7 LaserWriter driver the LaserPrep is always included,
- which can create inconveniently large files. You can make them
- much smaller by not printing any TrueType fonts. Also check out
- the utilities PS-Trimmer and Strip Fonts at your favorite
- shareware fishing hole.
- (38) To turn off the startup page on a PostScript laser printer,
- look in the Utilities menu of the LaserWriter Font Utility 7.0
- (located on the More Tidbits disk if you have the 800K disk set
- and on the Tidbits disk if you have the 1.4 MB disk set).
- (39) Under System 6 command-shift-4 dumped the screen to an
- ImageWriter. This does not work in System 7 and cutting and
- pasting the FKEY resource does not work either. Instead use the
- shareware utility Flash-It or some other screen capture utility.
- Alternately use command-shift-3 to save a PICT of the screen and
- then print from TeachText (the System 7 version can open PICT
- files).
- Troubleshooting with System 7
- -----------------------------
- (40) If you use the normal method of copying a disk in Finder 7
- with the Install 1 disk it will not be bootable. Instead, copy the
- disk under System 6 or use Apple's DiskCopy application.
- (41) If you hold down the shift key at startup, System 7 will not
- run any extensions or startup items. Make sure the Caps Lock key
- isn't down and be aware that some third party keyboards may not
- work. This is an extremely handy way to test a potential bug
- without the interference of your extensions and the wait for
- extensions and startup items to load.
- (42) You may have noticed that extensions no longer load in the
- same order as they did in System 6. That's because System 7 scans
- the Extensions folder followed by the Control Panels folder and
- then the root level of the System Folder. Inside each folder the
- order is alphabetical.
- (43) Watch out for 400K disks. The old MFS format prevents New
- Folder from working correctly because under this format folders
- weren't really folders - all 51 (the maximum) files were all at
- the same level on the disk, and the folders were just pictures.
- The HFS operating system can't create this kind of bogus folder.
- You can force the Mac to format a 400K diskette with the HFS
- format by holding down the shift key throughout the entire Erase
- Disk process - this will allow you to create real folders. Under
- 7.0 you cannot rename a 400K disk.
- (44) If you have the 800K disk set, the Disk Tools disk is a
- System 6 boot disk. Use it to reboot under System 6.
- (45) Sometimes the Finder runs out of memory in System 7. To edit
- the amount of RAM allocated to the System 7 Finder, boot up under
- System 6 and change the memory size in the Get Info box for Finder
- 7. If your machine won't run under System 6 you'll have to make a
- copy of your Finder and hack the SIZE resource with ResEdit.
- (46) With Apple HD SC Setup you can see some information about the
- hard disk driver. Click Partitions, click Custom, and then click
- Details. There is usually unused space on hard drives - you will
- see gray space in the bottom of your partition map with the size
- to the left if you click the Details button. You can use
- Silverlining to increase the partition size on an Apple HD SC
- formatted drive without either installing Silverlining or
- reinitializing (but backup first!).
- Some people prefer to keep their Apple drives Apple-formatted. If
- you don't have Silverlining and are willing to reformat your hard
- drive you can use this unused space. Back up your files, open
- Apple HD SC Setup, click Partition, select your main Macintosh
- volume and delete it, click Custom, click and drag from just below
- the top partition all the way to the bottom, select Macintosh
- volume in the resulting dialog, and then you will not be wasting
- any space on your hard drive.
- (47) And one last troubleshooting tool; holding down the command
- key at startup will bypass Virtual Memory (and probably some
- extensions as well).
- Zapping the PRAM
- ----------------
- With the exception of date and time, all system-wide preferences
- are reset to default values by zapping the Parameter RAM (PRAM).
- If you wish to zap the PRAM, hold down shift-command-option and
- choose the Control Panel in System 6. In System 7 hold down
- command-option-p-r (Be sure Caps Lock is off!) at boot time, and
- then let go at the second startup chime. The Macintosh will
- restart shortly after displaying the "Welcome to Macintosh"
- screen, which indicates that PRAM has been reset. The date and
- time settings are actually read out of PRAM before it is zapped,
- then written back in afterwards. Note that if a Macintosh's
- battery is drained, the date and time will reset to the default
- value (12:00 am, January 1, 1904) after each startup.
- What's in the PRAM?
- If you have ever wondered what information is stored in the
- parameter RAM, this list should answer your questions and help you
- in figuring out when zapping the PRAM might be useful.
- (48) 32-bit Addressing (Memory Control Panel)
- default: 24-bit Addressing
- (49) Brightness settings (Brightness Control Panel)
- default: mid-range on the slider
- (50) Highlight Color (Color Control Panel)
- default: black
- (51) Cursor blink rate (General Control Panel)
- default: middle setting
- (52) Menu blink count (General Control Panel)
- default: 3 times
- (53) Date, Time and displayed format (General Control Panel and
- Alarm DA)
- default: 12:00 am, January 1, 1904
- (54) Keyboard Repeat Rate and Repeat Delay (Keyboard Control
- Panel)
- default for repeat: one away from Fast
- default for delay: one away from Long
- (55) Disk Cache size (Memory Control Panel)
- default: 16K
- (56) Monitor Settings and Location of extra monitors (Monitors
- Control Panel)
- default: primary monitor only, set to Black & White
- (57) Mouse Tracking and Double-click Speeds (Mouse Control Panel)
- default for tracking: Very Slow
- default for double-click: Middle setting
- (58) Beep Sound (Sound Control Panel)
- default: Simple Beep, even though it is not highlighted
- (59) Startup Disk Choice (Startup Disk Control Panel)
- default: none set, will use standard volume search method
- (60) Default application font is reset to Geneva.
- (61) Serial port speeds for printer and modem ports are reset to
- 9600 bps.
- (62) AppleTalk active/inactive (Chooser)
- default: AppleTalk is active.
- (63) Selected network (Network Control Panel)
- default: Built-in LocalTalk port is selected
- (64) Macintosh IIfx serial port (IIfx Serial Switch Control Panel)
- default: Faster is selected
- (65) Macintosh Quadra 68040 CPU cache (Cache Switch Control Panel)
- default: Faster is selected
- (66) Macintosh Portable speaker is reset to more audible volume.
- (67) Macintosh Quadra/PowerBook RAM Disk (RAM Disk Control Panel)
- default: RAM disk is off, size is set to 192K.
- System 7 Bugs & Problems
- ------------------------
- As much as System 7 is perhaps the most stable of all recent
- system versions, there are some problems. Some of these that
- relate to low memory management and copying in the Finder have
- been fixed with System 7 Tune-Up, but others still lurk in the
- murky shadows. Here's a few that might confuse you.
- (68) It's nice, under System 7, to be able to select items in
- folders and copy their names to the clipboard, but I don't seem to
- be able to copy _all_ of the items in a folder. If I Select All
- the files in the folder, I see 38 items in the folder and
- scrolling down shows all of them selected, but if I copy them to
- the clipboard only 26 items are copied (all the items in the
- folder are text files). Is this a known limitation/bug? Yes. The
- list is limited internally to a 256 byte string.
- (69) There are two problems in renaming or customizing disk icons.
- First, when file sharing is on, disks cannot be renamed and their
- icons cannot be customized. Second, when a Finder 6 Mac logs onto
- a System 7 machine via file sharing, Finder 6 will sometimes
- erroneously set the locked (now called rename-inhibit) bit on the
- shared disk. This will permanently prevent you from renaming the
- disk and its icon will no longer be customizable. Some shareware
- programs, such as Unlock Folder, can fix this bit. Another
- workaround that sometimes works is to copy the invisible custom
- icon file from inside a folder having a custom icon to the root
- level of the hard drive. Upon restart the hard drive should assume
- the same icon as the folder.
- The Folder From Hell
- Q: I have a folder I can't delete. What should I do?
- A: This is the infamous "Folder From Hell" problem you may see
- mentioned from time to time. The problem is usually that the
- Finder's count of the number of files in the folder gets messed up
- (including being negative). The Finder will only trash folders
- that it believes contain 0 items. There are about five million
- suggested ways to get rid of Folders From Hell, but here are
- several methods that will hopefully work.
- (70) First try running Disk First Aid and see if that can fix the
- problem. If not, try rebooting under System 6 (if possible on your
- machine) and throw the folder away under System 6. If even that
- doesn't work, try the following techniques.
- (71) Make sure that the folder is empty! It may contain hidden
- files, which can't be seen, but can be found with various
- utilities, including ResEdit, MacTools, DiskTop, etc. Create a new
- folder on another drive or in another folder with the same name as
- the Folder From Hell. Drag this new folder to the same folder/disk
- that contains the Folder From Hell. The Mac will ask you if you
- want to replace items with the same name. Of course you do. Voila!
- No more Folder From Hell.
- (72) Other possible techniques include holding down command and
- option while dragging it to the Trash (useful in other situations
- too), putting a few files into the folder and then trashing them
- (which may reset the file count to 0 if it was negative), trashing
- the folder after booting off another disk, stuffing the folder
- with StuffIt, and resetting the folder's file count with ResEdit
- or MacSnoop (only for the stout of heart). A program called
- HellFolderFix claims to correct the problem. The final "if all
- else fails" move is to back up the disk, erase it, and restore it.
- Good luck and keep backups.
- Easter Eggs
- -----------
- Apple is well known for including little messages in strange
- places and System 7 is no exception.
- (73) In the Color Control Panel, option-click on the Sample Text a
- few times.
- (74) In the Monitors Control Panel, click on the 7.0 in the upper
- right corner.
- (75) Type MID into the new city box in the System 7 Map Control
- Panel, and select Find.
- (76) In the Map Control Panel, click on the 7.0.
- (77) Hold down command-option and choose About the Finder. If
- your Desktop folder (invisible) was created after the release date
- of System 7 (5/13/91), then be patient and you will get a surprise
- in the resulting dialog.
- (78) Delete all the label descriptions in the Labels Control
- Panel, restart and look at the Label menu.
- (79) In the Memory Control Panel, turn on Virtual Memory, hold
- down the option key and click on the name of the hard drive for a
- surprise.
- (80) For another surprise open the data fork of the System file
- with Word (hold down the shift key and Open becomes Open Any
- File...). If you don't have Word use any disk/file editor like
- Norton Utilities or FEdit.
- (81) The Color Map in the Scrapbook can replace the one in the Map
- Control Panel. The linked rings in the Scrapbook can replace the
- Apple in the Puzzle. Any PICT can be pasted into the Puzzle,
- including icons. Choosing Clear from the Edit menu gives you the
- old familiar numbers.
- ..
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